
Key West Lemonade

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2 shots Vodka
2 shots Sweet and sour
1 dash Sprite
1 dash Cranberry juice
Mixing instructions:
Mix vodka and sweet and sour proportionally in any size batch, then add sprite or 7-up and cranberry accordingly, a dash each per serving. Directions are for single, regular bar size serving.
Creator/contributor's comments:
People will suck this drink down, there is no hint of alcohol when mixed properly. Just watch out when the drinkers try to walk after having a few, that's 2 shots of Vodka per serving. A big glass will have many ounces of vodka and you can't taste it at all. Drink responsibly, this one can get you and you won't know it till you try to stand up!! Thanks to April in Key West for this one, it's been a long time favorite for me. Wish I could remember the bar name, some place by Mallory Square across from the Pirates Den. Figures I remember that place.
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