
Orange Bitters

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1/2 lb dried bitter Orange peel (Seville)
1 pinch Cardamom
1 pinch caraway or Anise
1 pinch Coriander seeds
2 cups grain Alcohol
boiling Water
4 Caramel coloring
Mixing instructions:
Chop the orange peel finely and mix it with the herbs and alcohol. Let it stand for 15-20 days in a sealed jar, agitating it every day. Pour off spirits through a cloth, and seal again. Put the strained off seeds and peel in a saucepan, crush it, cover with boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour into another jar, cover and let stand for 2 days. Strain this off and add it to the spirits. Add caramel coloring, filter again and let it rest until it settles perfectly clear.
Creator/contributor's comments:
Orange Bitters is a common ingredient in older cocktails, but can be hard to find. This is a recipe to make your own.
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