
Sweet Solution

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5-10 cubes Ice
1-2 shot Tequila
Fill with raspberry Lemonade
3-6 tblsp frozen Orange juice concentrate
Mixing instructions:
Fill a tall glass or cup with ice cubes, about 1/3 of the way full. Add the shots of tequila, adding more or less depending on the size of the cup. Then fill up most of the cup with raspberry lemonade, and add the frozen orange juice concentrate. Mix it well with a spoon until everything is well blended.
Creator/contributor's comments:
I made this up one day at my brother's house when I was very drunk and I had tequila and juice. And now it is my drink of choice, probably one of the best drinks I have ever had. And my friend Anna helped me make up the name when I could'nt think of anything cool. So give it a try, I promise you will not be disappointed.
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