
Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

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35 cl Tia maria
35 cl Vodka
17.5 cl Cherry brandy
1 dash Lime juice
1/2 glass 7-Up
1/2 glass dry Cider
About 4 Ice cubes

Take a pintglass (= approx. 0.5 litres)

Put the Tia Maria, the vodka and the cherry brandy together.

Add a dash of lime juice.

Fill the rest of the glass up with (50% - 50%) with dry cider and 7 -up Add ice cubes.

You'll have the taste of an innocent lemonade, but don't try to drink more than two ! This drink was invented on Malta (a little island in the Meditterenian). But it's brought by my sister to the Netherlands and I put it on Internet. Good luck with it and enjoy!

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