
Pepe''s Flame of Love Martini

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2 oz Vodka (Stolichnaya)
2-3 drops Sherry (La Ina)
2 Orange peels
Ice cubes
Mixing instructions:
As explained from the great bartender Pepe Ruiz of Beverly Hills Chasen's Restauraunt: "You swirl a few drops of La Ina Sherry in a chilled stem glass and pour it out. Than squeeze a strip of Orange peel into the glass and flambe' it with a with match. Throw away the peel. Now fill the glass with Ice to chill again, then throw that out. Add vodka, than flambe' another orange peel around the rim. Now throw out the second burnt peel. Then just stir it gently. And drink, drink."
Creator/contributor's comments:
The great Dean Martin was responsible for the creation of this drink. He regularly visited the bar at Chasen's in Beverly Hills and told the bartender - Pepe Ruiz - that he was bored with the same old Martini's. Pepe than spent three weeks experimenting until he came up with this drink. Dean was reportedly floored by this drink and it soon became his favorite Martini. Frank Sinatra immortalized the drink in a 1962 recording entitled "Nothing But the Best (Is Good Enough for Me)". The lines "I like my martini, with burn on the glass" is a veiled tribute to the drink. Hollywood legend has it that Frank ordered 65 of the drinks in one night - for his guests.
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