
Wild Sex

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Ice cubes
1 oz Malibu rum
1/2 oz Peach schnapps
1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum
1 oz Orange juice
1 oz Cranberry juice
1 oz Pineapple juice
1/2 oz Grenadine
Mixing instructions:
Fill glass with ice,then pour malibu,peach schnapps,and 151 into glass.After putting the right amount of liquor put your juices on top and splash of grenadine.When you have all of that done take your shaker tin, fitting it on top of the glass and give it a couple of good shakes.
Creator/contributor's comments:
This drink was contributed by Nathan Davis, with the following commentary: This drink is designed for very hot girl that you want to take home.One reason is that she'll love the taste,second she'll love the name,third she can't taste the alcohol and that my friend is what will get her to your place.
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