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2 oz Vodka
2 oz Gin
2 oz Rum
2 oz Tequila
4 oz Triple sec
4 oz Sour mix
1 bottle Zima
Mixing instructions:
Put the first six ingredients in a shaker glass with NO ice and shake until frothy. Fill glass with ice and pour Zima and the contents of the shaker glass at the time so it is a one-to-one ratio. Stir and serve. Makes about four drinks(depending on the ice)
Creator/contributor's comments:
It's tastes like an Electric Lemonade with Zima instead of lemon-lime soda and more sour mix. Instead of Triple Sec, you can also use Blue Curacao. It makes it a pretty blue-green drink. Also, keep a LOT of extra ice on hand because this drink has so much alcohol it melts the ice immediately, which is why you should not put ice in the shaker, it will dilute the drink.
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