
Thames Water

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2 bottles (small "Britvic" size) Orange juice
Fill with Coca-Cola
Mixing instructions:
Pour the Orange Juice in first. Top up with Cola, the fizzier, the better. Stir.
Creator/contributor's comments:
In the UK we use a straight Pint glass, in the US I guess you need a large Pilsner beer glass. Its important to add the orange juice first. *Don't* tilt the glass when you add the cola. A perfect mix is obtained when a noticable head forms on top. It is best mixed *without* ice, but use cold ingredients. -- Also known as a "Muddy Puddle", this drink is dark brown in colour and looks revolting. It is guaranteed to turn heads if not stomachs. Nevertheless, the two ingredients compliment each other as the cola ends up not too gassy and the orange loses it sharpness.
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